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FAQ Help Center
If you're new to winemaking or looking to source new wine grapes for your exisiting procedures, this guide will help you learn more about us.
How Much Do You Charge For Delivery?There is an extra charge of £1.50 per case for delivery within London, however orders going outside of London will be determined of the pallet service company. There price is dependent of post code, please provide this to us for a quote.
Will You Help Unload The Wine Grapes?Upon arrival, please let the driver know where you would like the grapes to go. He will do his best to accommodate your needs. Please be aware of covid rules.
Who Delivers The Wine Grapes?We have a trusted driver and helper. They are always in contact with the office to prevent delays in receiving your wine grapes. If you are based outside of London we normally use a third party pallet service, they will be in touch regarding delivery.
What Is The Minimum Number Of Cases For Delivery?Minimum orders will consist of 40 cases if delivery is within London, otherwise for delivery outside of London there is no minimum as its transported with a pallet service company.
Can I Bring My Own Van To Collect The Grapes From You?Yes of course, we have a forklift allowing for quick collections.
I Am Ordering For My Friends. What Would I Need To Do Or Say To You?For multi drops delivery, please let us know beforehand as we can arrange a driver who is aware of the situation to allow him time to deliver your grapes all in one go.
What Is The Minimum Number Of Cases For Collection?There is no minimum.
I Want To Buy In Bulk. What Should I Do?Please, contact us before the season starts, so we can best accommodate your requirements. (Bulk orders consist of 450 boxes or more)
How Do You Drop Off The Grapes?The wine grapes will arrive on pallets, so please let the driver know where you want the grapes to go.
Where Are You Based?Our warehouse is located in Nazeing (EN9 2PA), and we deliver to the whole of the UK.
How Much Does One Case Of Wine Grape Produce?Each case produces 4.5L of wine.
Are Wine Grapes Different To Regular Grapes?Wine grapes have thicker skin, which imparts more flavour to the wine. These grapes are also smaller than table grapes, resulting in a more concentrated taste. In addition to being smaller, there are fewer wine grapes on the vine.
I Am A Beginner And What To Know More About The Process Of Making Wine.Give us a call, and we will be happy to help you further with any of your questions.
When Is The Wine Grape Imported From Italy?The grape season starts in August and runs until the end of October.
Are You A Family-Based Business?We are a family run business and love to meet our members! We endeavour to expand our varieties of grapes each season, providing our customers with the highest quality selection of Italian grapes.
Do You Sell Equipment For Wine Making?Yes, we sell a range of winemaking equipment from beginners to experts. You can view our tools page for more information.
How Much Does Each Case Of Wine Grape Weigh?Roughly 8-9kg.
Where Are The Wine Grapes Grown?The wine grapes originate from Puglia in Italy. Our suppliers have been producing wine grapes for serval generations!
What Wine Grapes Do You Import?We have chosen to specialise in Sangiovese, Montepulciano, Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Nero Di Troia, Moscato & Trebbiano grapes.
Are The Grapes Organic?Yes, all our grapes are bioorganic.
What Quality Is The Wine Grape?We thoroughly inspect the grapes before each season begins. We always have the best quality grapes; they are picked at the perfect time and delivered to Italy within three days of leaving Puglia, Italy.
Do I Need To Pay A Deposit For My Grapes?No, we never ask for a deposit as we guarantee you will receive your grapes on time.
How Much Does Each Case Cost?It will depend on external factors such as the grape season and transport costs to our UK warehouse.
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